Urgent News from SBI

For Urgent attention of the Officers who retired on or after 31-03-2016

Bank is under process of “Empanelment of skilled and experienced Retired officers” (Retired on or after31.03.2016 on attaining superannuation)

in the Grade of SMGS IV to TEGS VII, as “Investigating Officers” on Contract basis, for examining staff accountability aspects of Non-Performing Loan Accounts.

For Information we are reproducing the Bank’s Advertisement in this respect – 

The information about Eligibility Criteria for the candidate who will apply for the Post of “Investigation Officer and other terms & conditions for the job – 

The Personal details to be given in the application –


During a Structured Meeting of the Federation of SBI Pensioners’ Associations, with the Bank Executives on 11.09.2018 at Hyderabad, it was informed by the ‘Shares and the Bank Department’ of the SBI as under :

1) As on date, approximately 55,114 Shareholders under Employees Quota are still holding shares in Physical form.

2) Of the above 23,388 are pensioners.

3) We share the database of these pensioners sorted on the basis of their pension receipt zone.

4) Transfer of physical shares will be banned from 05.12.2018.

5) As per Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) notification dated 08.06.2018 maintenance of shares in dematerialized form will be a must. So the efforts need to be in place to convert your physical shares into dematerialized form by 04.12.2018.

6) Shares and Bonds Department (SBD) Coordinates are :
State Bank of India, SBD, Corporate Center, 14th Floor, 
State Bank Bhavan, Madame Cama Road, Mumbai-400021.
Helpline No.: 022- 22740844, 22740849, 22741431, 22741476, 22741485
e-mail : gmsharesb@sbi.co.in

7) SBI Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) M/s Alankit Assignments Limited (AAL), Coordinates are :

Investor Service Centre :

R.R House, Ideal Industrial Estate, Opposite New Empire Mills, 
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel West, Mumbai-400013, Maharashtra.
Tel. No. 022-43481300
e-mail :sbi.igr@alankit.com

Action points for Pensioner Shareholders :-

1) Verify your name in the database available with the representative.
2) Verify your coordinates, almost 100% of the addresses are wrong.
3) If any/most of the coordinates is wrong, fill up the Basic Information Form (BIF) and post to AAL along with all the enclosures for rectification.
4) All pensioners are requested to update their coordinates urgently. 
5) Download BIF (click urlhttps://www.sbi.co.in/portal/documents/44589/102746115/ Basic+Information+Form-BIF ) 
6) Ensure possession of shares of Facevalue Rs. 1/- with you.
7) If facevalue is Rs.100/10, shares need to be converted to face value Rs.1, you need to take up with AAL.
8) If you have lost your shares, you need to take up with AAL.
9) For dematerialisation : Open Demat account.Our subsidiary SBICAP Securities Ltd (SSL) is opening and maintaining Demat account for employees and pensioners for FREE.This opportunity needs to be availaed ASAP.
10) If you have a demat account and there is a change inContact details, address, bank account and signatures, it needs to be updated with Depository Participant(DP).
11) For any purpose, signature of shareholder has to tally with the recorded one with the DP i.e. SSL or other and RTA i.e. AAL.
12) For full details regarding dematerialization, please visit our website (www.sbi.co.in) Investor Relations – Share Holder Info – Demat your shares or click on the following link 
13) For further / any clarifications contact either AAL/SBD.

Pensioners from Mumbai Circle in whose case the physical shares were sent on their recorded address but were RETURNED undelivered to the Bank – Click Here & View Details

Pensioners from Mumbai circle in whose case the Bank’s physical Shares were Delivered to them – Click Here & View Details

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